Mario + Lisa

I find myself hesitating to share publicly on my website and social media about the loss of a wonderful man, but their love story was undeniably beautiful despite its abrupt end. I am determined to ensure that his memory lives on, and their love deserves to be immortalized.

In June, I was supposed to photograph their wedding, but tragedy struck just a month before when Mario was involved in a devastating motorcycle accident. Although I didn't personally know them until our engagement photo shoot in March, it was evident that these two were deeply in love. Throughout the entire session, they couldn't take their eyes off each other, and Mario's infectious laughter made the frigid March weather bearable, leaving me with frozen tears on my face.

He had a special way of making her laugh, and it was clear that he would do anything to see her smile. The result of that hour-long shoot is a collection of beautiful images capturing the essence of their love for each other. Lisa and I are both grateful that we got these pictures of them, so that she has beautiful memories to look back on. Life is short, and precious.